• C. Consell de Cent, 445. Escala A, entresol
  • 93 329 74 27  info@puntdereferencia.org
  • C. Consell de Cent, 445. Escala A, entresol
  • 93 329 74 28

Assisted apartments

Young people living on apartments with professional assistance

The assisted apartments offer youth the possibility of living temporarily in a rented flat together with 2 or 3 other young people who are in the same situation. They are young persons with many potentials, responsible, committed to their personal and career development and who work with the daily support of an educator to build their own emancipation process.


Shopping, cooking, decorating the apartment, cleaning, managing money, sharing meals, creating warmth among roommates … Punt de Referència educators are at their side at these times, and ensure that daily household chores allow young people to live in a cozy space that helps them face the challenges of emancipation, understand the rules of cohabitation and face conflicts that may arise from it. The length of stay of young people is variable and depends on the vital moment in which each one is.


Punt de Referència has three assisted apartments, with a total of 10 places. Two of the flats are located in Barcelona, Trampolí and Fem Camí, and one in Hospitalet (Horitzó).



The assisted apartments are flats rented by the organization in which live young people who need to settle for a time. From the day of arrival until the day they leave the apartment, the youth will have the support of the professionals, who follow their development in the individual process of emancipation.